Hello 911


nice to meet you, welcome to our fansite.. we hope all of you can enjoy in our house

we share News, Schedules, Videos, Fancams and any other things about S.O.S

Hope that we can continue support and give them more more and much more love in the future


S.O.S Hwaiting ^^


-911 Indonesia-

Official Fanbase of S.O.S




Leave us a Message


Date: 22/07/2013 | By: akuhh

knp sih schedule SOS slalu dibatalkan??

I Love S.O.S

Date: 08/06/2013 | By: Iasha Karisma

Halooo Semuanya .....
Aku 911 dari Malang, salam kenal buat 911 Se-Indonesiaa :) Seneng bgt mnjadi bagian dari keluarga 911.
Aku juag mau titip salam buat kak A.G ya

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Aku Cinta SOS ^_^

Date: 04/06/2013 | By: Nlululu

Halooo.. hai..hai.. Aku 911 dari Malang, salam kenal buat 911 Se-Indonesiaa :) Seneng bgt mnjadi bagian dari keluarga 911. huhuhu.. *terharu. Buat @SOS__ID , Suksess selalu, terus update all about kakak2 cantik SOS. ^_^

Salam 911

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