Hello 911


nice to meet you, welcome to our fansite.. we hope all of you can enjoy in our house

we share News, Schedules, Videos, Fancams and any other things about S.O.S

Hope that we can continue support and give them more more and much more love in the future


S.O.S Hwaiting ^^


-911 Indonesia-

Official Fanbase of S.O.S




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( ˘)з┌◦◦◦♥ SOS in my heart

Date: 10/06/2013 | By: melisa hasanah

selamat malam .. aku 911 dari depok,aku cinta SOS pada pandangan pertama . our6angels can make me meleleh :D sukses selalu buat kakak2 SOS dan salam kenal untuk 911 lainnya :)
love you :*

keep calm and love SOS

Date: 08/06/2013 | By: van virga

hollaa, perkenalkan saya virga 911 from tangerang diriku ini termasuk yeyevers pecinta yeye, hampir setiap event saya datang tapi belom kenalan sm anggota 911 yg lainnya :(( salam kenal yah semuanya :)

Re: keep calm and love SOS

Date: 19/06/2013 | By: yunie PBeauty

Hallo virga salam kenal juga.hehehehe

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